" Blog Tour for A Friendship's Love By Melanie Corona | Chris' Book Blog Emporium

Blog Tour for A Friendship's Love By Melanie Corona

Filled with the dreams of youth, and surrounded by the love of her family and friends, Payton Martin’s world was simple. When someone closest to her is cruelly betrayed and unjustly sent away, life afterwards proves never to be the same for everyone involved, beginning a series of events beyond her control. Somehow, through the years that follow, Payton manages to deal with the heartache of loss and rejection, all while balancing her new situation, and becoming her own woman. 

Finally settled into a life that she could only once imagine, Payton is content; especially when the promise of love is presented by someone she admires and trusts. Nothing ever goes to plan, though. Once again she is faced with surviving circumstances, and choices others make on her behalf. This time, they ultimately take her across the ocean, to settle in a harsh new land.

Excerpt #1:

I startled when I saw a hand dash out from behind me and a finger dip into the custard I was stirring. I followed the hand, as the finger then retreated into Will’s mouth. “Well, that didn’t take long,” I remarked.

“Yes, I can smell your cooking from the other side of the house, Payton,” he said between licking his finger and going in for a second dip. I smacked his hand. “Ouch!”

“Stop that! You’ll get all you want later, Will.” I went back to what I was doing. Will leaned a hip on the bench and crossed his, now, well defined arms across his well-defined chest. I slipped a sideways glance at him and smiled to myself. Will was much taller, now.  He had grown up into a fine specimen of a man, and a true gentleman; not, that trying to steal tastes from my mixing bowl was terribly gentlemanly. Nevertheless, I liked to look at him, and I enjoyed his company.

Excerpt #2:

I threw myself onto Charlie. “Charlie! Charlie! Are you ok?” I asked, crying and holding onto him, as he tried to draw in breath. He cupped my face with his hand, and when our eyes connected this time, I saw true hurt and pain reflected in them. “Oh, Charlie...”

“Take her back to the house, William, and get Lord Townshend. Nash, make sure you see Ashleigh home,” Papa ordered, pulling me away from Charlie, and pushing me into William’s arms. I wasn’t ready to leave Charlie’s side, and continued to reach for him, as I screamed his name.

“Yes, Mr. Martin!  Right away! Come along, Payton,” William said, while turning me toward his mount.

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I was born in Darwin in the Northern Territory of Australia, and raised in Alice Springs (the very center of the country). I have always loved reading and telling "tall tales" and wrote poetry all the time. My greatest influence was my grandpa Majid who kept us entertained all the time with his stories, music and passion for writing. 
I didn't tell anyone I wrote when I started because I was to shy, I have no idea why I was like that. I don't care now, I have stories to tell and I want to share them. I am not, and never will profess to be an awesome writer, but I will try to entertain, while bringing to life the history of my country, one page at a time.

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